Enhancing the Communication Channels between the NTRA and the telecom users
 8 December 2020

Within the framework of its keenness to enhance the quality of telecom services, and raise users satisfaction rates, the NTRA has provided new communication channels with the service users. These channels operate and provide around-the-clock support to them as they receive their complaints, investigate them and exert best efforts to resolve them.

The NTRA’s Call Center acts as a second-tier or second level for receiving, examining and solving such complaints, in case the users use up all means to attain a satisfactory resolution of their complaints with their service providers. The Call Center exerts best efforts to achieve this purpose within the framework of the controls and regulations set forth by the Telecom Regulation Law No. 10 of 2003.

You can contact NTRA’s Complaints Center for a complaint against an operator through:

  • Short Number (155)
  • E-mail: complaints@tra.gov.eg
  • WhatsApp: 01015515155 – 01111115150 – 01551515505 – 01202155155
  • NTRA’s complaint platform:  https://complaints.tra.gov.eg/
  • NTRA’s Social Media Channels: “Facebook – LinkedIn – Instagram – Twitter”