Frequently Asked Questions

What are the equipment that require Type Approval?

Generally, Type Approval is required for all wired and wireless telecommunication equipment before entering the Egyptian market except a few equipment for which Type Approval is optional. Examples of the equipment that require type approval are the terminal telecommunication equipment like fixed and mobile phone, Camera with network interface (IP camera), public and private exchanges, network communication equipment like routers and switches, Satellite Communication equipment and RADAR. Examples of equipment of which Type Approval step is currently optional not mandatory are personal computers, Laptops and household appliances (Refrigerators, Washing Machines,…etc)

Who has right to apply for Type Approval?

Equipment manufacturers, their representative or authorized local or overseas companies and local importers can apply for Type approval of the new product.

When should an applicant apply for a product Type Approval?

It is recommended to apply for the product Type Approval before contracting for shipments of it. This is in order to be sure that there are no defects in the product preventing its type approval, which may lead to hold its shipments until the treatment of such defects. 

What are the Type Approval Procedure?

There are currently three Type Approval procedure Schemes, Light, Intermediate and Tight Schemes. The applied Type Approval scheme is determined according to the scheme determination chart published on the Type Approval procedure page or using the interactive chart in this link. Each scheme detailed procedure are found in its associated file published on Type Approval procedure page.

What is the lead-time of Type Approval Certificate issuance?

It takes about 14 days to issue the product Type Approval certificate starting from the Type Approval fees payment date assuming the product has passed its documents revision and samples tests (if  samples are required from it according to its applied procedure).

Is the Type Approval certificate a sufficient document to clear shipments of the type-approved product?

The Type approval certificate is a certificate of the product compliance with the adopted RF, EMC, health and safety standards and is not considered a permit for its importation or manufacturing. For the product importation or manufacturing, the applicant has to get the needed importation or manufacturing permit from the importation services department. The applicant has also to get a license from the products licensing department if the product imported or manufactured requires a license from NTRA.

What is the validity period of the Type Approval certificate?

The Type Approval certificate is considered always valid provided that no changes have been applied to the product approved.

How many times the product is type-approved?

Only once and the manufacturer (brand owner) is committed not to apply any changes on the product approved before informing NTRA and getting sure that such changes do not affect the product RF, EMC, health and safety compliance results and so as its functions.

Can the Type Approval certificate be issued for multiple models?

The Type Approval certificate can be issued for multiple models having the same brand provided that they follow either Light or Intermediate scheme and on condition that the differences between these models do not affect the product functions and its RF, EMC, health and safety compliance results. In such case, the manufacturer (brand owner) has to provide a declaration of similarity between the models.

Is Type Approval applicable for medical equipment?

Medical equipment do not require type approval unless they contain a wireless communication module like Bluetooth and WiFi and in this case, it is sufficient to apply type approval on the built-in communication module only.

When can it be sufficient to type-approve the internal communication module only without Type Approval to the End Product?

The general rule in this is that for products in which telecommunication is not a main function as in medical equipment, it is sufficient to type-approve the internal communication module only. As for products in which telecommunication is a main function like fixed phone, mobile phone, network equipment like routers and switches, RADAR equipment…etc., they all require Type Approval to the End Product.

Do wireless receivers with no transmission function require Type Approval?

Generally, receiver-only equipment require Type Approval like for example GPS receivers. However, there are a few exceptions from this rule like broadcast TV and AM/ FM receivers which do not require Type Approval.

Do Antennas need Type Approval?

Type Approval is optional not mandatory for Active Antennas (antennas that contain active electronic components such as transistors) for the time being. Type Approval is not applicable for passive antennas.